Often when there’s a door or window left open, the only way you know is seeing it up close, or arriving home to find your residence broken into, your valuables stolen, or a loved one hurt. Families with a child’s bedroom above the first floor constantly check to ensure windows are closed to prevent a fall. With this Z-Wave sensor you can verify the status of a bedroom window even when you’re not home. Others of us don’t want to pay the monthly fees for a centrally monitored alarm system. By placing these sensors at access points into your home, you know in an instant if a door or window is opened. The alert comes via email or text message on your smart phone. This Z-wave door / window contact sensor is an invaluable device for protecting your family, but it’s more than that. It integrates into a Z-wave network, allowing you to trigger events, and setup sequencing. For instance, you may want the living room lamp to illuminate when the front door is opened, a table lamp to come on when the back door is opened, or your Z-wave camera to start recording the moment this door / window contact separates, so you can see who or what caused the opening. Pair this Z-Wave door / window sensor with the BeHome247, Ezlo Plus, or Nexia Z-Wave controllers and you can utilize the latest in home automation technology to check the open/close state of your windows and doors, stay in control of your residence from anywhere, and make the remote security of an automated home a reality.